Lux ‘Mini’ MICE will be a new trend.

Lux ‘Mini’ MICE will be a new trend for Japanese luxury travelers especially in a post-pandemic period. Here we mean ‘Mini’ is from 8-20 people participated from 3-7 families to experience same roots, same hobbies, same interests, etc.

These kind of conscious travel will be booming up in Japan looking for the origin of Japanese culture along with attracting regenerative mind from every one of them. So for those who would like to catch Japanese high net worth families as a group, every tourism boards have to line up there origins, histories, something obvious, etc with their center-pinned promotions.

Looking for something obvious is quite important from now, because you will be able to enhance its value from around Zero to priceless.

Lastly, those tourism boards which interested in posting on this website, please let us know.


  1. 甲信越で初認証 相澤病院 (長野県松本市)

  2. アクア・メコンの魅力、リバークルーズの醍醐味

  3. 体外受精・エッグドナー・代理母出産 ~不妊に悩む日本人富裕層の選択肢のひとつとして~

  4. 別荘ではないサード・プレイスという概念

  5. 横浜ガストロノミーツーリズム

  6. 富裕層のバカンス時計 Nuun日本初上陸

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